Saturday, March 21, 2015

Thad Murrah - Saturday, March 21

Week 5 - Matthew 18:23-35
Saturday, March 21, 2015
A Reflection on Forgiveness from Thad Murrah

When I was asked to write a devotion for Lent, I thought, “Great.  I’ll get a passage that is complex and full of hidden meaning.”  Then I saw the passage and realized it was the parable of the unforgiving servant.  I read it, and then I thought, “Really?  That’s it?  Where’s the mystique?  Where is the hidden message I can reveal to the congregation?  This is obvious stuff:  You have been forgiven by God; therefore, it is right that you should forgive others.  This is plain, old, Kindness 101 stuff.  What additional thought can I add to a message that is so plainly straightforward?”

But then I realized that if this is so obvious, then why do I not practice it every day in my own life?  Why does something so apparent seem to be something I easily forget? Why can’t I remember the immeasurable forgiveness God has given me and simply forgive others for their relatively minor infractions toward me? God has done so much for me. I’ve sinned countless times, and Jesus still died for me. He took the consequences for my sin upon himself, and now my countless sins are forgiven. Because Jesus did this for me, the least I can do is to forgive others.

Lord, I ask that you give me the strength to forgive. I ask that you place on my heart a constant reminder of your immense grace.  Please remind me of the severity of my sin against you and the forgiveness you have granted me.  Today, I call on the powers of forgiveness to others, the hope that heals and wipes away resentment. I am ready to forgive and heal old wounds. Amen.

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