Saturday, March 14, 2015

Anne DeArmond - March 14

Week 4 - Luke 23:32-43
Saturday, March 14, 2015
A Reflection on Forgiveness from Anne DeArmond

This passage describes Jesus as he and two men are crucified and the words spoken to them and between them.  While these men committed deeds warranting their deaths, Jesus did not.  However, Jesus was not afraid and told the remorseful man that he would be with him in paradise.  Jesus spoke with God and was prepared to die; he accepted God’s will.

I believe when an individual is in a position of great peril that goodness can prevail. 
On a drive back to Wisconsin from Christmas break with my family, I was hit on the freeway by a drunk driver.  My car crossed the median and was on cruise control headed the wrong way on the freeway.  I imagine by divine intervention, God protected me.   I remember seeing headlights coming at me and suddenly my car was on the other side scaling a guard rail.  Facing death, I knew God’s mercy and love. 

I spent the year following my mother's passing in processing my feelings and lamenting my loss.  I missed my mom deeply, and I missed the letters that she wrote me.  I expressed my loss to several friends, knowing in my sorrow that this correspondence was one more thing I couldn’t have.  Then, one day I went to get the mail, and there it was, a letter from my mom in her handwriting.  It was her reminder to have a health screening.  I called the medical office, and they apologized to me, saying that they always pull deceased patient's envelopes.  I told them I couldn't have been happier to receive just one more letter from my mom.  In my despair I saw again the mercy of God.

Forgive, O Lord, for Thy dear Son-
Forgive, O Lord, for Thy dear Son
The ill that I this day have done.
That with the world, myself and Thee,
I, ere I sleep, at peace may be.

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