Monday, March 9, 2015

Marion Heinz - Monday, March 9

Week 3,  Matthew 5:43-48
Monday, March 9, 2015
A Reflection on Forgiveness from Marion Heinz

Upon first read of these verses, a former pastor from years gone by came to mind. He was a visionary, with ideas that were outside of the box and radical for some. There was a contingent of members who could not accept the “new ideas,” and they were very critical of this pastor. In fact, sometimes they were really mean. He was a perfect example of these passages. His philosophy was to “turn the other cheek” and show them love. He would pray daily for all his members but especially the “few.” He would do nice things for them – send flowers, cards. His wife would bake things. We marveled at his kindness, his compassion and his ability to show love in the midst of all the conflict. (Eventually he did leave and went on to build a large church with his great leadership.)
Jesus came into this world as a human, who knows and understands our every feeling- the sad, the mad, as well as happy and glad. And yet he tells us to love those people who make us sad, mad or hurt us. HE DOES. He sends the same blessings to those difficult people in our lives as he does to us. How do we respond? It is very easy to love those who love us. It is very easy to do nice things for those who love us. In this passage, we are called to be God’s people in the world today – to show kindness when our human inclination would be to do just the opposite. It is God’s perfection to forgive, to do good to those who are evil and unthankful, and it is ours to strive to BE LIKE HIM. What a surprise it will be when instead of a harsh word, we extend a hand! What a surprise it will be when we give kindness instead of a kick! When we just think we simply can’t, we need to ask God to soften our hearts and show us the way because in so doing we are following his command to “Love our neighbor.”
Dear God who loves us so completely, so unconditionally, fill our hearts with an abundance of love to share so that through us others may come to know how much you love them. We ask this in the name of our Savior and Lord. Amen

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