Thursday, April 2, 2015

Pr. Christopher Manke - April 2 - Maundy Thursday

Week 7 - John 13:21-32Thursday, April 2, 2015A Reflection on Forgiveness from Pr. Chris Manke

Come now, let us discuss this thing, says the Lord:
though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be like snow;
though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.  Isaiah 1:18

Forgiveness is a very personal thing. I’m sure we all know the feeling of disappointing someone we love and the painful sting of sin that stays with us long after the event.

One of my least proud moments in life came during my 8th grade year when I did something I knew was wrong - something I deeply regretted. I will never forget my father’s response and how disappointed my parents were with me.

“I don’t believe it,” he said, “no son of mine would ever do that!" But I did do it. It was my fault.

But as I confessed my sin and discussed it with my parents, I began to feel something else besides the sting of guilt and disappointment.  I remember the deep forgiveness that they showed me. They offered me a chance to start again. They gave me a way to put behind me what I had done and to become someone new. I will never forget the relief and joy that came with their absolution.

On the night in which Jesus was betrayed, he took on the sins of the world – all of our faults, our bad choices, our disappointing moments, our sins. Jesus made the choice to walk the road of forgiveness with us. To take our place. To offer us a new way to live. To grant us a life of forgiveness for ourselves and as a gift to share with others when they sin against us.

I will not forget my sins and what I did that time, for it serves to remind me not to do it again. But my memories also remind me of the love  I received from my parents in their gift of forgiveness to me that day.

Let us pray:  Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for teaching us the importance of forgiveness and for offering each of us the gift of forgiveness as we sin and fall short of your glory. May we be loving towards others, as we seek to share this most precious gift with those who sin against us.

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