Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Chuck Shantz - March 31

Week 6 - Luke 7:36-47
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
A Forgiveness Reflection from Chuck Shantz

Forgive?! Forgive?! Why should I forgive someone who insulted me? Somebody who took unfair advantage of me? Or anybody who treated me badly? I’m sure not going to say I’m sorry!
Forgive . . . Do you really hear these words or have they been spoken so many times that you gloss over them and can’t wait until the service is over . . . you have so many things to do.
What words am I speaking about? Why, they are the words that Jesus spoke -- “Your sins are forgiven!”
Forgiveness . . . is it that important?
Let me read you a poem I wrote about hearing those words. It is dedicated to Ted, the child I once was
There was a time so long ago my life was in great pain.
My days were filled with bitterness, the tears I wept in vain.
But then one day I sat alone and shivered in the cold.
The ground was white and frozen fast and wrapped in winter’s fold.
Yet, suddenly it came to me that I was not alone!
The snow seemed whiter in the night as if a light had shone!
You must forgive if you’re to know the peace for which you seek.
I knew that I must then forgive to end my days so bleak.
“I willingly forgive,” I said, “for all the things you’ve done.”
Then suddenly, I felt at ease; my new life had begun!
His are the words our pastors say, the ones we all should know.
“Your sins are now forgiven you; arise, my child, and go.”
So when you hear those words again, take heart this very day.
He gave His life so you would know His peace in what they say!

Oh, Lord
Let me and everyone who hears the pastors say “Your sins are forgiven!” remember that the pastors are speaking the words that You spoke. And let us forgive others as you have forgiven us!

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