Monday, March 30, 2015

Patricia Engelhardt - March 30

Week 6 - Luke 7:36-47
Monday, March 30, 2015
A Forgiveness Reflection from Patricia Engelhardt

Forgiveness - to forgive is to excuse for a fault or offense; pardon, to renounce anger or resentment. Grant pardon without harboring resentment.

The act of forgiveness is sadly lacking in our world today. Thus we have multiple wars, family feuds, domestic violence, shootings, road rage, lost friends, terrorist attacks, etc. Unfortunately, we have a world filled with much more anger and less love and understanding.

Luke 7:36-47 is the story about a woman known for her sinful ways who enters the home of a Pharisee uninvited. She comes to wash the feet of the Pharisee's guest. This guest is Jesus. The Pharisee feels superior to the woman and is appalled that she approaches this special prophet.

Jesus does not dwell on the woman's sins but rather the humility and love she bestows upon Him. Her sins are forgiven. He emphasizes that all sins great and small are forgiven.

This Bible passage teaches us two important Christian lessons. First, we are not to judge others. God will be the final judge. We never know the journey a person has had which greatly influences the person they become. Some of us were were born into a home where God was at the center, while others were born into a family that did not know God. Therefore, it is so important for those of us who know God to be a light in this world spreading His good news.

The second lesson this passage teaches is to forgive others. No matter how great the sin, how bad the hurt, God forgives and invites us to forgive and move on. Selfishly, I have found that life is so much more joyful if you let go of anger. A heart filled with anger is hard to fill with love.

Lord, you sent your Son out of love and forgiveness. Help us to follow your example and spread this marvelous message to others.  Amen.

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